Sunday, December 28, 2014

Looking Toward the New Year

I just spent an inordinate amount of time searching pictures of people ignoring each other so I could share them with you . . . and then there's this summary statement:

As I'm looking toward the New Year, I'm thinking about what I'd like to see change in myself.  Of course I want to be transformed further into the likeness of my Lord, Jesus Christ.  Much of that is accomplished by God as I spend time with Him in prayer, and fill my mind with His word - we become like those we spend the most time with.  But there are also conscious decisions that I can make to emulate Him in my behavior.

One of my favorite observations of Jesus as I read the gospels happens whenever I picture His face in my mind.  Read an account of Him speaking to the multitudes, or addressing someone specifically;  where do you picture the focus of His eyes?  Directly on whomever He is listening or speaking to, right?  His full attention is given to the people He is with - they know that He sees them, that He is listening to them, that He is speaking directly to them.

What about us?  It is shocking how often we ignore each other even when we're right next to each other!  We don't look at each other, we don't speak to each other - it's as if we are pretending we don't realize the other person is there.  Do you sense the coldness of that?  The impersonality, the isolation, the unnecessary loneliness . . . the unspoken messages "you have no value", "I can't be bothered", "I don't recognize you as important to me"?  

Several years ago I began consciously to choose to look people in the eye and initiate conversation with them.  This actually started in the grocery store;  I began noticing older women, senior citizens, who were usually shopping alone.  I remember one in particular; she had carefully applied a pretty shade of lipstick, some blusher and pearl earrings.  I couldn't resist:  I said "That lipstick is such a pretty shade on you - it really picks up on the sparkle in your eyes!"  The radiance of her smile as she said thank you just flooded my heart.  How could I fail to continue to repeat this simple act of acknowledgement?  So now, every senior woman who crosses my path in the grocery store is certain to hear from me - about her scarf, the color of her coat, how beautiful her skin is, how nice it is to see her today.  Try it - you won't believe how pleasant it is!

Now I work at Panera, and I'm often at the cash register.  I am still surprised by how many people will order without even looking at me, or expecting me to look at them!  Now I pride myself on being efficient and taking people's orders quickly - I realize that they probably have a time limit and need to move along.  But there is plenty of time for me to look directly in their eyes, smile, offer a compliment or a pleasant word about enjoying their meal or the rest of their day.  

When we accept Jesus' gift of forgiveness of our sins and a relationship with God through Him, we become His dwelling place through the presence of His Holy Spirit.  We are now His hands, feet, eyes, mouth and voice - how can we help but use these to do as He would do?  To look directly at people, smile, speak with a warm and pleasant voice, walk alongside them and use a gentle touch to show them that they matter - these are acts of service to my God, honoring Him as I honor the people He has made, that He cares so deeply about.  

So as I approach 2015, I am recommitting to acknowledging people, making eye contact and simple conversation.  How about you?  Try compliments - nothing is easier!  I will add this disclaimer though - I save my sweetest, warmest compliments for women . . . I happen to love color, so sometimes I will remark about the colors or pattern of a man's tie, the brightness of his eyes, or the ease of his smile.  But 99% of the time when I compliment a man directly about himself, he's a senior citizen. For most other men, I try to compliment behavior - such as the gallantry or courtesy of holding a door for an older woman, or deferring to a mom with kids, allowing her to go before him in line.  Just sayin' . . . 

So brush up on your compliments and observations, and let them flow freely - you'll be pleasantly surprised, and those who encounter you will be glad that they did!  Offer this up as a gift to God of interaction with others and see where He takes you. 

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